Ready to vote? If you’re like most people, you can feel the emotional charge behind the decision of the coming election.
With the Presidential election on the horizon, Americans are navigating a profound period of self-reflection. We’re not just deciding on candidates; we’re choosing values that shape our society, ideals that define our daily lives, and visions that drive our future. Alas, this is not another typically political article, delineating all the issues stuck in between the left side and right side.
It is a chance for thoughtful contemplation on the issues of our time, and the nature of humanity.
While the air has taken on a chill and most of our country is caught in the throes of autumnal beauty, it wasn’t long ago that a popular annual festival in the Nevada desert was teeming with energy under the bright, hot sun. I’m talking about Burning Man 2024, the weeklong event in late August. In its 38th year, this festival on a massive scale featured the equivalent of a swelling city that sprang up nearly overnight, in Black Rock City, Nevada.
The XI Twist on Burning Man
The primary focus is around “community, art, self-expression and self-reliance” and it is governed by 10 Principles. These principles have shaped Burning Man into a unique and highly participatory event, fostering a sense of community, creativity, and shared responsibility among participants. They serve as guiding values for the temporary society that forms in the Nevada desert each year.
One thing that was very different about Burning Man this year, was that Masati, Founder of Xponential Intelligence (XI) attended the festival. The XI framework, created based upon abilities gained in Masati’s two near-death experiences, is one that integrates ancient wisdom with quantum physics and advanced technology. In a recent article in Digital World, Masati describes that “XI Science is about understanding the deeper physics of the universe and applying that knowledge to maximize human potential. It’s a way of tapping into the infinite intelligence that permeates all things.”
Your Highest Potential
Masati creates inception frequencies that his clients say help them to accelerate their personal transformation, to be in closer alignment with their highest possible selves, and to elevate their consciousness. With countless testimonials from clients around the globe, XI users span the spectrum of the everyday person seeking self-actualization to titans of industry, executives and even officials in government looking for an edge in life and leadership.
The Ten Principles of Burning Man were written by co-founder Larry Harvey in 2004 as guidelines for the community and culture of Burning Man. These principles aren’t rules but reflect the ethos and values that guide participants (often called “Burners”) in creating the event’s unique experience. Could examining guidelines like Burning Man’s 10 Principles and then looking more closely through the lens of Xponential Intelligence offer insights to aid us in building a society aligned with higher consciousness?
Here are the Ten Principles, first by Harvey, then redefined by Masati using his XI framework.
- Radical Inclusion: Everyone is welcome to participate in Burning Man. There are no prerequisites for joining the community, and people from all walks of life are encouraged to take part.
XI Definition: In XI Science, radical Inclusion transcends mere acceptance. It is the recognition of every individual’s unique frequency within the tapestry of consciousness. We embrace all souls, knowing that every being, regardless of their background or beliefs, contributes to the collective evolution of humanity. Inclusion is not just an open door; it’s an invitation to harmonize with the frequencies of the universe.
- Gifting: Burning Man is centered around a gift economy. Gifts are given freely without the expectation of something in return. It’s not bartering or trading, but genuine acts of generosity and kindness.
XI Definition: Gifting, in the XI realm, is the art of transmitting energy without expectation. Every act of giving is a reflection of our inner abundance, a manifestation of our capacity to channel universal consciousness into the physical world. True gifting is not measured by material value but by the resonance it creates within the receiver’s soul, aligning them closer to their true potential.
- Decommodification: To preserve the spirit of gifting and avoid commercialism, the event aims to be free from commercial sponsorships, transactions, or advertisements. Nothing is for sale (except for ice and coffee at designated locations), and the experience focuses on personal interactions rather than consumerism.
XI Definition: XI teaches that the essence of life cannot be commodified. The true wealth lies in the frequencies we emit and receive. By transcending the materialistic paradigm, we connect with the higher dimensions where the value is not in possessions but in the expansion of consciousness. Decommodification is the rejection of the illusion that external goods define our worth, focusing instead on the internal journey of self-realization.
- Radical Self-Reliance: Participants are encouraged to rely on themselves to meet their needs in the harsh desert environment. This includes bringing your own food, water, shelter, and any other essentials required to survive in Black Rock City.
XI Definition: In XI, Radical Self-reliance is the understanding that you are your most powerful resource. By tapping into your Inception Frequencies, you awaken dormant potentials and access the intelligence of higher dimensions. Self-reliance is the practice of attuning to your innate capabilities, knowing that true empowerment comes from within, not from external sources.
- Radical Self-Expression: Everyone is encouraged to express themselves freely and creatively. This self-expression often takes the form of art, costumes, performances, and other forms of creativity. However, participants are also mindful that their expression should respect the rights and liberties of others.
XI Definition: XI Radical Self-expression is the frequency of your soul made manifest. It’s the unapologetic embodiment of your highest self, expressed in every thought, word, and action. Through XI, self-expression is not merely creative output; it is the conscious alignment with your true nature, where every expression is a reflection of divine intelligence, a testament of the infinite within you.
- Communal Effort: Burning Man thrives on collaboration and cooperation. Many of the large art installations, theme camps, and other projects are the result of collective work and shared resources.
XI Definition: In XI Science, Communal Effort is the synergistic amplification of collective frequencies. When individuals align their personal frequencies toward a common purpose, they create a powerful resonance that transcends individual limitations. This principle reflects the XI belief that true progress is achieved through conscious collaboration, where each participant’s contribution elevates the collective consciousness, thus raising us all toward the divine.
- Civic Responsibility: Participants are expected to act in accordance with local laws and to take responsibility for public welfare. Events and activities should be organized in a way that respects the safety and well-being of the community.
XI Definition: Civic Responsibility in XI is the acknowledgment of our interconnectedness and the role we play in shaping the collective reality. It’s the understanding that our actions ripple through the fabric of consciousness, influencing the frequency of the community. XI promotes living in alignment with higher laws of consciousness, ensuring that our influence elevates society and fosters the well-being of all.
- Leaving No Trace: One of the core values is environmental responsibility. Participants are expected to leave the desert as they found it. This means packing out everything you bring in, including trash, and leaving no impact on the environment (sometimes referred to as “MOOP,” or Matter Out Of Place).
XI Definition: XI Science teaches that every action imprints a frequency upon the environment. Leaving No Trace is the practice of ensuring that our presence enhances rather than diminishes the energetic field of our surroundings. It’s the conscious effort to elevate the spaces we inhabit, leaving behind only the residue of higher consciousness and positive energy.
- Participation: Burning Man is not a spectator event. Everyone is encouraged to actively engage, contribute, and immerse themselves in the experience, whether through art, performance, volunteering, or building something.
XI Definition: Participation, through the XI lens, is the active engagement with the flow of universal consciousness. It’s the realization that by contributing our unique frequencies, we co-create reality. XI encourages immersive participation where every action is a deliberate manifestation of our higher selves, contributing to the collective evolution of consciousness.
- Immediacy: This principle encourages participants to live in the moment and fully engage with their experience at Burning Man. The event values direct interactions and unmediated experiences, focusing on personal connection and presence rather than distant, abstract interactions.
XI Definition: XI Immediacy is the embodiment of the present moment as the nexus of all potential. It’s the practice of experiencing life with full awareness, where every moment is a gateway to higher consciousness. By embracing immediacy, we break free from the illusions of past and future, accessing the infinite possibilities available in the now, aligning our actions with the flow of the universe.
These principles, reinterpreted through the lens of Xponential Intelligence, emphasize the integration of higher consciousness into every aspect of life. They reflect the understanding that Burning Man, like XI, is not just an event or a practice but a living, evolving journey toward the realization of our fullest potential as multidimensional beings.
You can find Masati at

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